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Mice in Your Santa Clara, CA Attic?

Mice may look cute, but they can be disastrous for your attic and crawlspace. These tiny creatures are known for burrowing holes into attics and crawl spaces in Santa Clara. Once inside, they’ll get busy with stealing your food, chewing your electrical wiring, having hundreds of babies, and more. AtticElite is a leading name for attic mouse removal throughout Santa Clara. We’ve worked with countless homeowners just like yourself to remove mice from the attic and fix any damaged insulation. Just check out our many 5-star reviews to see what your neighbors are saying about us! 

Mice can spread and multiply rapidly in your attic, so it’s important to call our Santa Clara mouse removal experts right away. AtticElite will send out a technician as soon as possible to remove the pesky mice and replace damaged insulation to prevent them from coming back. 

How Can You Tell There Are Mice In The Attic? 

Mice are sneaky creatures, so you could have a mouse infestation in your attic without ever actually laying eyes on a mouse. That’s why it’s important to look for signs of mouse activity in your attic and crawlspace. 

Look for these signs that your attic has mice: 

  • Mouse droppings
  • Odour of urine
  • Pets acting unusual 
  • Scampering sounds 
  • Scratch marks and holes

Sound familiar? Don’t worry, the attic pros at AtticElite can help! We’ll send out one of our pros to remove the mice from your attic as well as replace any damaged insulation–that prevents the mice from coming back! Call our Santa Clara rodent removal experts today!

Mouse Removal Service in Santa Clara

No one wants a mouse in the house, but that doesn’t stop the little critters from doing their best to make your attic their home. When that happens, AtticElite will remove the mice from the attic and even replace the damaged insulation to prevent them from returning. For 20+ years, we’ve provided one of the most trusted and affordable mouse removal services in Santa Clara. Now we’re ready to help you! 

Ready to send your attic mice packing? So are we! Just give AtticElite a call or reach out online today to get started!

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